• Overflow


    Wilderness is not tame, not safe Yet how lush and free It calls to me

  • Truth Nuggets

    What Are You Pursuing?

    There are a couple of questions the Lord keeps gently bringing up lately:  What is your pursuit focused on Beloved, happiness or holiness? More than that, what have you lost in trading in the pursuit of holiness for happiness?  It…

  • Overflow


    (piece inspired by Romans 8:12-17) An awakening leads to a seismic shift From death to life From the damp cold of the streets to the warmth of the living room Nameless to Beloved Orphan to Son Heir to the King…

  • Truth Nuggets

    Jesus Gets It

    I’ve been reading Jesus Journey by Trent Sheppard this Passion week as a way to dive deeper into the humanity of Jesus and take time to ponder and meditate on what that means – how He grew up, how He…