Truth Nuggets

  • Truth Nuggets

    What Is Your Wait Worth?

    In a world striving to satiate the hunger for instant gratification at every turn, the idea of having to wait is despised, even avoided as much as possible. I remember the days in middle school and high school, listening to…

  • Truth Nuggets

    What Are You Pursuing?

    There are a couple of questions the Lord keeps gently bringing up lately:  What is your pursuit focused on Beloved, happiness or holiness? More than that, what have you lost in trading in the pursuit of holiness for happiness?  It…

  • Truth Nuggets

    See For Yourself

    One of my favorite things to do is read the Bible with Holy Spirit. (It’s kind of pointless to do it without Him ;)) He highlights moments in familiar passages that never really stuck out before or shows me another…

  • Truth Nuggets

    You Are Not Too Much

    One of my biggest insecurities as a young girl, especially through the awkward adolescent years, was having someone pick me up; fearing they would find out how heavy I was. Regardless if I actually was a few pounds heavier than…