Glimmers of the Gospel

4 Truths Revealed By 26.2 Miles

It was still dark when the train dropped us off in the shadow of the glorious and shiny new US Bank Stadium. Despite the early hour (on a Sunday no less) the blocked off streets were swimming with bodies dressed in a variety of neon colored running shoes, dri-fit gear, and Goodwill sweatshirts. Several even donned trash bags or ponchos to help ward off the chill of the morning and the cold raindrops threatening to crush any dreams of staying dry. The buzz of excited anticipation filled the air – palpable and pulsing through each runner.

Despite waking up at the crazy hour of stupid to give my body time to digest a breakfast of oatmeal, banana, and a Gatorade, I was not the least bit tired. All senses were on high alert. All muscles twitching with readiness. This was it. Five months of discipline, sweat, pain, and milestones had brought me here.  Race day. Marathon day.

The rain gave us a minor reprieve as the sky lit up in a brilliant masterpiece of pink, orange and yellow. The fiery glow of the sunrise reflected the excitement and determination burning in all of us. It still felt surreal, even though I was standing there, crowded in one of the starting corrals. Everywhere I looked people were jogging in place, getting in a last-minute stretch, shedding that poncho, and checking their various time-keeping and music devices. My heart was pounding beneath my bright blue dri-fit t-shirt, my gaze fixed ahead toward the starting line – music on, Vikings hat secure. A grin began to spread across my face. This was really happening. The shot of a starting gun exploded into the air, initiating the response of thousands surging forward across the starting line – the first step of a 26.2 mile journey.

Let me back up and fill you in on a fun fact: I am not athletically inclined. I never have been. I played softball in elementary school, but when continuing in middle school and beyond meant the dreaded fast pitches coming at my face…no thank you! I tried track and field in seventh grade, but realized when my friend and I found way too much joy cheating the system by skipping half the warm –up every practice…probably best not to continue. I did colorguard in my high school’s marching band all four years, so that took coordination and discipline – running around the football field, throwing rifles and flags, all while smiling and performing. I love playing ultimate Frisbee and flag football, but I’m just not what you would call a natural. Oh, I give it my all – ask anyone who has played with me – but not always to the preferred results.

All that to say, when a couple of my friends cornered me last April asking if I wanted to run the Twin Cities Marathon with them,  I stared at them and without much hesitation uttered a firm no. I hope my look was as incredulous as I was feeling! Me? Run a marathon?!  I don’t even like running that much. No way. No WAY!

You already know what happened – fast forward just a couple of days and the words “Registration Confirmation” stared at me from my computer screen. What did I just get myself into?

What a road it has been since that day. I had no real idea what I was signing up for. All I had was my “Non-Runner’s Marathon Trainer” book in hand and the encouragement of those close to me. But God, my good good Papa knew. He took some famous verses we’ve heard since the Sunday school days and made them real to me through this process of training for and running a marathon. Painfully real. And in so doing, revealed parallels about each of our own spiritual walks – your own spiritual race, if you will. No wonder the author of Hebrews used a race illustration to speak truth! So often God uses physical things in this world we can touch or tangibly relate to in order to convey a deeper spiritual truth.

Over a series of four blogs I will take each truth/parallel one at a time to give it time to soak into your thoughts and make its way to your heart. As with a good cup of tea, you have to let the leaves steep for a while in order to give the hot water a chance to absorb all the spice and flavor it has to offer. That’s what I hope these truths can be for your soul – warming and full of life.

As you’ve probably guessed, the famous Scripture we will look at can be found in Hebrews 12, likening our individual faith journeys with Christ to a race.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:1-2

If you profess faith in Jesus Christ, claim Him as Lord and Savior, then my friend (or should I say brother or sister) you are running a spiritual race. Have you forgotten that? Right now, you’re on the course! Reading these verses in the past, I would nod and think ‘what a great comparison!’ But, there’s something about getting down to the nitty gritty of physically running a race yourself – whether it’s a 5k, marathon, or crazy trail race – that allows you to understand these verses in greater depth.  Having completed a marathon, when I read these verses now, the word “endurance” takes on a whole new meaning, as does the part about laying aside every weight, and where to place your focus (we will touch on each of those as we go). Here are the four truths we’ll dig into over the next four weeks:

Race Truth #1: Fueling

Race Truth #2: Resting

Race Truth #3: Focusing/Listening

Race Truth #4: Finishing

Whether you love running, hate it with every fiber of your being, or land somewhere in between, there’s wisdom here for all of us. I hope and pray the Lord speaks through this marathon experience to help shed some fresh light on this Hebrews passage and your own spiritual race.

Next week:  Are You Running on Empty?

What do you think?