Remember Who You Are
When I was a kid, I was obsessed with The Lion King. Who could blame me? The story, lovable characters, and epic music was enough for any kid to imagine themselves wandering the African savanna in search of adventure.
Some may argue it is just Hamlet in Africa, relating the story through a pride of lions rather than a royal Danish lineage. The similarities are there – from an angsty young heir uncertain of his path, complete with an uncle with treasonous (and murderous) tendencies. However, I see something more at work here, another deeper parallel.
My favorite part of the whole movie, the scene that to this day never fails to send shivers down my spine and results in goosebumps appearing along my arms, is Simba’s moment of truth. Rafiki leads him on this chase, telling Simba he knows his father, Mufasa, is alive.
Just watch this clip in case you need a little refresher – my words would fail to do it justice in a mere description:
I do not think it is merely chance that this scene resonated with me at so young an age, even if I couldn’t pinpoint or articulate why. It resonates with me still to this day, but now, I know why. It is because it points directly to the heart of Father God and how He is calling to each one of His children.
First of all, as Simba is looking at his reflection in the water, Rafiki tells him, “Look harder. You see? He lives in you.”
“I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Galatians 2:20
In that deep, calming James Earl Jones voice, Musfasa calls Simba by name; something the Father does for each one of us, as Psalm 139 makes clear. He knows you so intimately and loves you more deeply than anyone ever could.
Let’s walk through this dialogue with Simba and his father – see any echoes of Israel with God? What about you and God?
MUFASA: You have forgotten me.
SIMBA: No! How could I?
How many times throughout the Original Testament are there songs, Psalms, and countless verses filled with the re-telling of what God did to save Israel? How many times does God implore Israel to remember? To tell the next generation? To remind them? It was so God may be glorified first and foremost, yes! But also because God is kind and He is gracious. He knows His people better than they know themselves. He knew they would forget. He knew they would struggle. So in His grace, He implored them to remember so they could walk in confidence and faith.
MUFASA: You have forgotten who you are and so forgotten me. Look inside yourself, you are more than what you have become. You must take your place in the Circle of Life.
Have you forgotten who you are? Are you lost, searching for meaning, for worth? Thinking you have nothing to offer and so run away, like Simba, believing the lies? Turning to live a life centered on your own desires?
SIMBA: How can I go back? I’m not who I used to be.
I feel like I have brought this argument before the Father on countless occasions; after I have messed up and chosen my own way far too many times. How could He possibly forgive me and more than that, how could He still love me?
We can’t go back – perhaps that’s the point. We cannot walk in our true identity if lies have made themselves at home in our hearts. The Father offers a new way, a new road home. He doesn’t want you to go back to the way things were. He wants you to see who He always meant for you to be – His. He wants you to trust that and take a step forward grounded in that truth – no matter how small it may be.
MUFASA: Remember who you are. You are my son and the one true king. Remember who you are.
The answer to all of Simba’s running and wrestling isn’t action. Mufasa doesn’t condemn him or rip into him for his mistakes and avoidance. He doesn’t offer him a to do list or step-by-step instruction guide. He tells him the key to returning, to stepping into all he was meant to be, lies in remembering where his true identity is. That identity holds the power and strength for what must be done. Not only does the truth of his identity provide freedom and inspires Simba to action, it leads to the rescue and freedom for an entire kingdom.
Is it any coincidence that the pastels of the clouds come into focus and swirl around Mufasa, transforming him from mere outline to full picture, just as he delivers this powerful, heartfelt reminder straight to the depth of his son’s soul?
It is no accident. This is the moment of clarity and revelation. Not only for Simba, but for us as well.
Do you remember who you are? If you are in Christ, the matter of your identity has been settled. I challenge you to spend some personal time reading through the Scriptures below and take time to soak in their truth.
Do you believe these truths?
In Christ, you are…
Romans 8:37-39
John 3:16
Psalm 139
Zephaniah 3:17
1 Peter 2:9
John 15:16
Ephesians 1:4-5
John 1:12
Ephesians 1:5
Romans 8:16-17
1 Corinthians 6:17
Colossians 2:10
Romans 5:1
Romans 8:1-2
2 Corinthians 1:21-22
1 John 5:18
Acts 1:8
Matthew 5:13-14
2 Corinthians 5:17-20
Imagine, if all those things are true, (which they are), how does that change how you live your life day to day? Doesn’t it influence your thoughts, desires, and actions? It frees you from comparison, from striving, from doubt! It frees you to live and love boldly, to see others with the eyes of Christ, and to walk in the way He has uniquely gifted you!
These truths do not change with the weather or circumstances of your day. They are solid because they have been spoken by your Father. They hold when everything else crumbles.
Be encouraged that remembering, keeping your identity centered in Christ is an ongoing process. I’ve forgotten many times (just like Israel and Simba) and have found myself running away and going back to placing my identity in who I am as a leader or in my work performance or as a good friend or teacher…NO! It has to be in Him alone. Lean fully on the Scriptures and time with your Father – abide (John 15). Be vulnerable about where you are struggling with community around you. Let them in.
Remember who you are.
Your inheritance is set and steadfast love and abounding grace surround you.
You are His.
Operate and live of that place and you will see not only your own life changed, but the lives of those around you.
Perhaps even an entire kingdom.
Remember who you are.

It's a Dance

Jesus Gets It
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One Comment
Thank you for writing this. Xx